Indiana News

Gay Marriage Ruling Still A Source of Confusion.

INDIANAPOLIS (AP): A handful of county clerks across Indiana still aren't issuing marriage licenses to gay couples two days after a federal judge struck down the state's prohibition on same-sex unions.

Many are holding off because of the wording of the state's online application form.

The Marion County clerk's office in Indianapolis is changing that wording from “bride'' and “groom'' to “spouse'' and “spouse'' on the printed form. Spokeswoman Angie Nussmeyer says the online section that says “male'' and “female'' can't be changed.

Decatur County Clerk Janet Chadwell says she isn't altering the form because her county attorney told her she would be committing perjury if she did.

Indiana State Department of Health spokesman Ken Severson says the agency is working to change the form to comply with the court order.

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