Indiana News

Stutzman Named to Budget and Financial Services Committees

Washington, D.C. (WOWO): U.S. Congressman Marlin Stutzman released the following remarks on being named to the House Budget Committee:

I am absolutely thrilled to begin work with Chairman Tom Price and the rest of the members of the House Budget Committee to address the current fiscal issues facing this nation and reign in our out of control spending. The American people deserve a transparent budget process that returns responsibility and restraint to our federal spending habits and that is exactly what I intend to fight for as a member of this committee,” said Stutzman.


Chairman Price added, “Congressman Stutzman has been a key member of the House Budget Committee in the past, and I’m excited to welcome him back. He’s a strong voice for fiscal responsibility and committed to achieving the type of honest, balanced budget plan that’s needed to get our nation’s fiscal house in order and our economy working for more Americans. I look forward to the positive contributions he’ll bring to our team.”


I am also honored to remain working with Chairman Hensarling and my fellow members of the Committee on Financial Services over the next few years. Working on reforms to restore our financial strength both at home and abroad are important goals of mine for the next two years,” Stutzman said. Chairman Hensarling stated, “It is great to have Congressman Stutzman continue with this committee for the new Congress. He is a hardworking, dedicated member of our team and I am eager to see what we can accomplish together.”


Stutzman continued, “As we enter into the 114th Congress, I look forward to working with my colleagues to promote policies that will strengthen our economy and bring more opportunities to working families all across America.”


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