Indiana News

Expert: Indiana Not Strong Enough Against Child Trafficking

INDIANAPOLIS (WOWO): A top Indiana child advocate says the state doesn't have a strong enough network of services to help victims of sex and labor trafficking. 

Indiana Youth Services Association CEO Robin Donaldson headlined a forum hosted by the Indiana Youth Institute in Greenwood Thursday. Donaldson says there were 40 child trafficking investigations in Indiana last year. So far this year, the state is above 30. 

Donaldson says about 90% of child trafficking cases involve young people under the age of 18 who are being taken and exploited by a parent, guardian or someone they know. She says only 9% of such cases involve kids being snatched by strangers. 

Donaldson says the Jared Fogle case is a good example of how children are often exploited by an adult who appears trustworthy. She says more services are needed to help young people and that signs of a young person in trouble include: kids who have an excessive amount of money or newly bought items, long school absences and signs of physical abuse.

 She adds the state needs to continue to punish those who purchase trafficked children and that sentences need to be more harsh.

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