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Calls for Congressional Redistricting Gaining Steam in Ohio

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) _ Proponents in both parties are expressing support for Ohio Gov. John Kasich's recent remarks supporting congressional redistricting in the battleground state.

Kasich is a Republican presidential candidate. He said during year-end comments Dec. 22 that the current system of map-making allows the controlling party to draw districts so safe they attract candidates on the extremes of both parties.

Kasich said competitive districts are best for Ohio and the country.

He said he'll work aggressively in the coming year to promote a system that creates more competitive maps and eliminates gerrymandering. 

Republican Secretary of State Jon Husted, and Democratic state representative and former congressman John Boccieri are among other officeholders supporting such efforts. 

With this fall's Issue 1, Ohioans voted to overhaul how state-level legislative districts are drawn.

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