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Lawmaker looking into pushing for later school start dates

(Source: http://bit.ly/1P0RCwE License: http://bit.ly/1S0IVkT)

FORT WAYNE, Ind. (WOWO): For many in our area, school is already back in session, but one Indiana lawmaker thinks it’s too early.

Senator Jack Sandlin tells our Partners in News at ABC 21 he’s doing research on the impact that having kids go back to school in early August has on smaller businesses, especially summer camps or other recreational offerings:

“You’re not able to have three months over the summer, that’s a significant revenue reduction.”

Sandlin says he might present a bill next session that would push the school start date back, but the Fort Wayne Education Association says the date should be left up to local districts.

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1 comment

Kevin Fisher August 10, 2017 at 4:26 pm

Labor day to Memorial day. Eliminate spring break.


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