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Police prepare for massive drunk driving enforcement effort

FORT WAYNE, Ind. (WOWO): Area police agencies are teaming up to fight drunk driving.

From mid-August through Labor Day, about 230 law enforcement agencies across Indiana and thousands nationwide are participating in the annual Drive Sobor or Get Pulled Over effort.

That includes the Allen County Traffic Safety Partnership, which is made up of police departments from Fort Wayne, New Haven, and Woodburn, as well as the Allen County Sheriff’s Department.

Police say you should expect increased sobriety checkpoints, roving patrols and saturation patrols.

Impaired or drunk driving is three times more common at night than during the day. If you see an impaired driver, turn off the road away from the vehicle and call 911. Signs of impaired driving include:

  • Weaving, swerving, drifting, or straddling the center line
  • Driving at a very slow speed
  • Braking erratically
  • Making wide turns
  • Stopping without cause
  • Responding slowly to traffic signals
  • Driving after dark with headlights off
  • Almost striking an object or vehicle
  • Driving on the wrong side of the road
  • Turning abruptly or illegally

A driving while intoxicated arrest means going to jail and losing your driver’s license. The average DWI costs about $10,000, including car towing and repairs, attorney fees, fines, court costs, lost time at work and other hefty expenses.

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