Farm News

Additional Assistance for Dairy Farmers

USDA has announced additional assistance for U.S. dairy producers, including a second round of payments through the Pandemic Market Volatility Assistance Program. The agency also announced a new Organic Dairy Marketing Assistance Program. The moves will help USDA better support small- and medium-sized dairy operations that weathered COVID and now face other challenges. “USDA is announcing a second set of payments totaling almost $100 million to close out the $350 million commitment under the pandemic assistance program,” says USDA Undersecretary for Marketing and Regulatory Programs Jenny Moffitt. “The funds will be released through partnerships with dairy handlers and cooperatives to deliver the payments.” USDA will also be releasing new assistance targeted to small- and medium-sized organic dairy farmers. The goal will be to help those producers with anticipated marketing costs as they face a variety of challenges from weather to supply-chain challenges. For more information on USDA assistance, go to

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