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Allen County Courthouse will hold hearings via video

ALLEN COUNTY, Ind. (WOWO): Soon some hearings in the Allen County Courthouse will be done through a video system in hopes to cut costs and to create a safer environment.

The new process will start on Thursday and will be for criminal cases.

Video appearance capability has been installed in Courtroom 3 of the Allen County Courthouse. This new feature will cut down on the amount of prisoners brought to the courthouse by about 50 percent, which is about 60 inmates a week, according to the Allen County Superior Court.  

Before defendants were transported from the jail to the court for the hearings.

“Initial hearings are often brief, uncomplicated and technical in nature,” said Judge Frances C. Gull.  “A defendant in custody needs access to these proceedings, but does not always have to be there in person. Video arraignment gives us a new option that makes the process safer and more efficient.”

Allen County Sheriff David Gladieux paid for the four new computers, monitors and modifications to a room at the jail where inmates will appear via video.

“Since we spend less on fuel, on vehicles and on personnel, there are certainly savings involved when inmates can appear in court via video,” Gladieux said.

He also said another benefit of the video chat is public safety because it will keep inmates secure in jail.

The court will use a system called CourtCall, which is already used in Superior Court Civil Division matters.

The system costs $400 a month and will be taken from the Sheriff’s commissary account.

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