Pat Miller

Call Your Representatives On Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act H.R. 36

As we wait for the U.S. House to bring the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act back up for a vote, we urge you to keep talking about this bill.

Let people know that Americans strongly support banning late-term abortions and that five month unborn babies feel pain.

Finally, please pray for a positive outcome for this legislation.

Pray that babies are no longer subjected to the horrific dismemberment or poisoning practices of a late term abortion.

Please call your congressman and urge for full support for H.R. 36.

Rep. Susan Brooks 202-225-2276
<span style=”font-family: Georgia; font-size: 24px;”>Rep. Larry Bucshon 202-225-4636
Rep. Andre Carson 202-225-4011
Rep. Luke Messer 202-225-3021
Rep. Todd Rokita 202-225-5037
Rep. Marlin Stutzman 202-225-4436
Rep. Peter Visclosky 202-225-2461
Rep. Jackie Walorski 202-225-3915
Rep. Todd Young 202-225-5315

Please speak up for unborn children.

For more information please contact Cathie Humbarger


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