Local News

Deputies Honored for Life-Saving Actions

Sheriff's deputies Don McCune, Chris Rager and Neil Likens were honored  by Kosciusko County

Commissioners this morning (left).  Photos from incident scenes. (KCSD photos)


WARSAW, Ind. (WOWO): Officials in Kosciusko County are praising the live-saving efforts of three police officers.

Deputies Don McCune, Chris Rager and Neil Likens were honored during a meeting of the County Commissioners this morning.

According to a sheriff's department spokesman, in September of 2013 McCune and Rager rescued a critically injured woman struck by a train in Warsaw. The woman had an severed arm and the officers used a tourniquet to prevent life-threatening blood loss until medics arrived.

In another incident, Likens assisted a shooting victim last month near Cromwell. The officer used a tourniquet to stop blood loss from the man's femoral artery. 

Those tourniquet kits, were funded by a the local K-21Health foundation, according to the sheriff's department.


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