Local News

FWACC officials looking for person who abandoned dog

(Supplied/Fort Wayne Animal Care and Control)

FORT WAYNE, Ind. (WOWO) – Fort Wayne Animal Care & Control is looking for the person who abandoned a dog at the shelter Saturday morning.

The dog was left on the doorstep of the shelter early Saturday morning in a cage.  The issue is the dog was left underneath a sign that tells people not to abandon animals at the door.  Next to that sign, was another sign that had a number to call if they needed assistance after business hours.

Security video shows the person who abandoned the dog, concealed the license plate of their SUV before they carried the cage from their vehicle to the doorstep.

FWAC talked about the incident on its Facebook page “If you need to surrender your pet or you find an animal in need PLEASE do not dump it at our doors.”  The shelter says people must follow the proper channels when dropping off an animal.

Since the animal was abandoned on Saturday morning, it would have been there until Tuesday morning as the shelter was closed through Monday because of Labor Day.  The only reason the dog was found was because an officer saw the cage as they were driving by the shelter.

The person did not attempt to contact anyone by trying to open the door, ring the doorbell, or call the number posted at the door.

“This is not the first time and we’re sure it won’t be the last – but please, do not abandon animals outside of our building. We can only help animals if we know they are here. We are an open-access shelter – we cannot turn away an animal coming in from the City of Fort Wayne or Allen County for any reason. While we are encouraging people to rehome outside of the shelter – we’re always here to help and would have taken this animal in.”

The dog had to be humanely euthanized because of its condition.

To view the shelter’s Facebook post and a video of the incident, click here.

The FWAC is asking if anyone recognizes the person in the video to call 427-1244 and select option 1 as abandonment is a crime.

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1 comment

Slacker06 September 8, 2022 at 8:00 am

I’m sure the animal control Nazis are on this case. They will certainly kill the dog by and by anyway. They are mostly upset because they did not get to charge a fee for leaving the dog. When killers of humans run loose I do not think spending funds on chasing down a person who ignored a sign very important. After all, speed limit signs, gun free zone sign, and many other informative signs are IGNORED. Why? Because they are stupid and unenforced or unenforceable. Our country is on the brink of utter destruction from politicians. Why worry about who left a dog? That issues seems to be pretty far down the list of things that need fixing.


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