Indiana News

Indiana Attorney General Celebrates Second Victory In Indiana Laws Protecting Unborn Life & Women’s Health

(Photo Supplied/Rokita for Senate)

INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (Press Release): Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita is celebrating a second victory since Dobbs decision in upholding Indiana laws protecting unborn life and women’s health.  The 7th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals on Monday vacated judgments invalidating several Indiana laws protecting unborn children and the health of their mothers, handing the Office of the Attorney General and all Hoosiers yet another victory in the fight for life.

The decision involved the ongoing case Whole Woman’s Health Alliance v. Rokita, a legal battle that began with a lawsuit against the state back in 2018. The lawsuit filed in the Whole Woman’s Health case amounted to a full-scale assault on Indiana’s slate of abortion laws. Although Attorney General Rokita’s team already had prevailed in defending most of those laws, a handful of injunctions remained.

The appeals court’s Monday decision can be viewed here.

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Susie Ortiz July 12, 2022 at 6:52 am

The decision involved the ongoing case Whole Woman’s Health Alliance v. Rokita, a legal battle that began with a lawsuit against the state back in 2018. The lawsuit filed in the Whole Woman’s Health case amounted to a full-scale assault on Indiana’s slate of abortion laws. Although Attorney General Rokita’s team already had prevailed in defending most of those laws, a handful of injunctions remained.

Todd needs to be cloned and given more positions July 12, 2022 at 7:32 am

Thank you Sir for continuing to do a great job for Indiana!!!

Pat July 12, 2022 at 8:03 am

The total number of legitimate reasons for killing babies in the womb is ZERO. Indiana legislators need to show some testicular fortitude and outlaw abortions entirely.

Slacker06 July 12, 2022 at 8:09 am

A word meaning freedom, “VACATED.” No Arizona and some other states need judges to stand for the People and their Right To Life as noted in the Declaration of Independence, the US Constitution, and in many State Constitutions. The right to LIFE, LIBERTY, and the PURSUIT of HAPPINESS long predate the writings of our founders. They are detailed in many passages of Scripture written thousands of years before our founders wrote. Our liberty is granted by God Almighty. IT is not granted by our laws or constitutions. Those merely SECURE LIBERTY as Jefferson said in the 2nd Paragraph of the Declaration. It is the DUTY of every legitimate government to SECURE LIBERTY. That means securing the liberty of the unborn. There are two people involved in any abortion, the mother and child. It seems today that very few can reason.


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