FORT WAYNE, Ind. (WOWO): Fort Wayne and Allen County residents may notice an increase in activity and loud noises this week as the 122nd Fighter Wing Blacksnakes conducts large-scale readiness exercises. The exercises are scheduled to go until July 15, the Blacksnakes said. According to our partners in news at ABC21, Airmen will be practicing wearing Mission Oriented Protective Posture gear to ensure readiness for operating in a chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear-compromised environment. Part of the exercise will include loud noises like sirens, the 122nd said, but there is no cause for concern.
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I wonder if they will be issued the N95 masks in case of a biological (covid-19) weapons attack? Why not issue them to the military? They apparently “work” for the general public…at least our Left-wing Government claims they work. Lets see what the Base Commander says about that. LOL