INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (WOWO): According to release from Rokita’s office, the lawsuit is to fight federal overreach and protect Indiana’s sovereignty. The issue at hand stems from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency rule redefining “navigable waters” under the Clean Water Act. The new Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule would force Indiana landowners to beg the permission of federal bureaucrats before using their own property in ways deemed to impact certain ponds, streams, ditches or other wet areas of ground. Twenty-four states have joined together to bring the lawsuit against the EPA.
A copy of the lawsuit can be found here.
I can’t believe this isn’t getting more attention. Are people distracted by the spy balloons and derailed trains? I really wish people would wake up and that our media wasn’t the propaganda arm of the tyrannical regime.
And the name, Clean Water Act…please. It’s always the opposite. Our government needs all this water for their chip plants. If the media was doing their job they would be looking into this water grab.
Take clean water, make it dirty, and recycle the dirty water back into homes for the unwashed masses to wash down their bug burgers with. Distract them with their social media and mindless Netflix shows.
The beauty of our federal system is that this country is a government formed of sovereign states-The United States of America.. When the feds over reach, which they are currently in every way imaginable, the states have sovereignty to fight back or ignore their rules. Do yourself a favor, get out that dusty old copy of the US Constitution and look at Article I, Section * where the 18 enumerated powers of congress are written down. Compare that list to the current federal establishment. There is hardly no comparison. Our founders constantly wrote about how the states were a check on federal over reach. That is the very reason for the Tenth Amendment. In the case mentioned here, the Feds think they can claim authority over a recurring mud puddle, or even a one time puddle, in any farm field or anywhere else by calling it navigable. When you see a barge or ship in that field it isn’t a navigable water. Not even a canoe because the puddle isn’t navigable by any stretch of the term. The founders made a Republic with a federal branch of government with well defined yet very narrow duties or responsibilities. These days the feds are coloring well outside the lines and at the same time ignoring some of their well defined duties such as immigration or border security or the military. Instead they deem Catholics that prefer the Latin mass or parents protesting skeevy school policies at school board meetings as TERRORISTS! After the last three years with the over reach on Covid who can trust a single edict from our federal government? Is there any reason the people in Ohio do not want to drink their water after being lied to by health officials for over 3 years? Send in the clowns.
Todd Rokita is one of the very few elected officials standing for those who hired him to do a job for them.