APIndiana News

Indiana health officials warn about West Nile virus in state

(Source: https://goo.gl/QPNz7F License: https://goo.gl/sZ7V7x)

INDIANAPOLIS (AP): Indiana state health officials are asking the public to protect themselves from mosquito bites because of an increase of West Nile virus activity in the state.

The Indiana State Department of Health says that as of Friday, the state had one confirmed human case of West Nile in Marion County.

Mosquitoes have tested positive for the virus in Benton, Hamilton, Jennings and Marion counties. State health officials said they expect to see increased West Nile virus activity in Indiana as the mosquito season continues.

Mosquitoes transmit the virus to humans. It can cause fever, headache and a rash.
Residents are encouraged to eliminate sources of standing water, which are mosquito breeding grounds.

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