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Indiana Senate approves stripped-down hate crimes bill

INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — The Indiana Senate has passed a stripped down hate crimes bill and sent the measure to the House.

The GOP-dominated Senate voted 39-10 Thursday on the amended legislation that removed a list of specifically protected characteristics including sexual orientation, gender identity and race.

Among those voting against the bill were authors Republican Ron Alting of Lafayette and Democrat Greg Taylor of Indianapolis.

The amendment stripping the list of protected characteristics was approved Tuesday, immediately drawing criticism from Republican Gov. Eric Holcomb, civil rights activists and business interests. Holcomb included the original legislation among his legislative priorities for the 2019 session and said the amended bill “does not get Indiana off the list of states without a bias crime law.” Arkansas, Georgia, South Carolina and Wyoming also have no hate crime laws.

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1 comment

Rocky February 22, 2019 at 8:39 am

What is the point of a “Hate Crime” bill when Law enforcement picks and chooses what qualifies as a “Hate Crime”. Most recent [and ongoing] example: The Jussie case in Chicago. He should be charged with a “Hate Crime”, but Law enforcement fail to see the Hate in his crime? His staged event was directed at a specify group of people based on Race, sexual orientation, and political views….specifically protected characteristics that opponents of the bill want specifically called out in the bill. Bottom line, Hateful intentions are built into the nature of committing a Crime, therefore, the idea of a “Hate Crime Law” is ridiculous and merely political.


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