FORT WAYNE, Ind. (WOWO) – The Journal Gazette says that they are dropping the Dilbert comic strip after comments from its creator, Scott Adams.
Adams made the comments on a recent episode of his YouTube show. He described people who are black as members of a hate group and said that people who are white should “get the hell away” from them. He has since defended himself on social media.
Sherry Skufca, Journal Gazette publisher, said that political opinions are usually not a problem, but that Adams went too far and that they “aren’t going to subsidize a racist”.
1 comment
My advice: Drop the Journal Gazette for censorship. Scott Adams has been right on the money for his whole career commenting on the sad passing scene of our society. You can get your Dilbert fix online any day of the week. Unfortunately for all of us, libs and Marxicrats have no sense of humor., NONE WHATSOEVER!