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Keep your pets safe and comfortable during fireworks displays

NATIONWIDE, (WOWO) – Although the Fourth of July is a time of celebration, fireworks, and late-night events, our pets not always feel comfortable with the unfamiliar noises.

Keeping your pets safe and comfortable this holiday weekend can prevent them from being frightened, running away or potentially injuring themselves.

Remember to keep your pets away from fireworks activity, as they may get curious and stick their noses too close to the burning sparkler or firework. This could cause serious injury or blindness.

Keeping an animal tethered or in a fenced-in yard can cause a pet to panic and escape. Many animal shelters report an increase in strays during the holiday.

If you do plan to keep your pet outdoors with you during firework displays, make sure they’re properly restrained, someone is with them at all times, and that they have a current ID tag or microchip in case of necessary identification.

According to the Indiana State Board of Animal Health, the best option is to keep pets indoors and offer them their favorite toy. Keeping them in a closed room with a TV or radio on can help distract them from the noise outside.

Animals who spend time in a cage or crate may find this comforting as well.

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