Local News

Man Admits to Abusing Infant Daughter who Died

AKRON, Ohio (AP) _ A northern Ohio man has admitted to abusing his 3-month-old daughter who died earlier this year.

Northeast Ohio Media Group reports (http://bit.ly/1GOg7cF) 29-year-old Matthew Scott pleaded guilty Wednesday to child endangering.

Prosecutors initially sought murder charges against Scott in the death of Alivia Scott. But a grand jury handed up an indictment on a child endangering charge.

Assistant Summit County Prosecutor Brian LoPrinzi has said investigators were still pursuing murder or manslaughter charges in the case. But defense attorney Noah Munyer says experts determined the infant's injuries were suffered prior to her losing consciousness in February. He says the injuries can't be tied to Scott.

Court records show that the girl had multiple traumatic injuries stemming from a “violent” event.

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