Widow of plane crash victim sues pilot and employer

(Source: https://goo.gl/ocu5Dx, License: https://goo.gl/WJLbKh)

MARION, Ind. (AP) — The widow of a firefighter killed when a small plane collided with a business jet in northeastern Indiana is suing the jet’s pilot and his employer.

Autumn Wittkamper contends Richard Darlington and Avis Industrial Corp. are responsible for the April 2 collision that killed 31-year-old David Wittkamper.

The Chronicle-Tribune reports the suit contends Darlington didn’t announce his approach Marion Municipal Airport. She’s seeking damages for lost “love and affection” and funeral and burial expenses.

A message was left Thursday seeking comment from Darlington and Upland-based Avis Industrial.

A small plane carrying 31-year-old pilot Kyle Hibst and fellow firefighter Wittkamper had taken off at the airport when it clipped the business jet Darlington was landing. Hibst’s plane crashed and caught fire, killing him and Wittkamper.

Darlington and his passengers weren’t injured.

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