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Six northeast Indiana counties now in the red on most recent COVID-19 map

(Supplied/Allen County Health Dept.)

FORT WAYNE, Ind. (WOWO): Six northeast Indiana counties are now in the red on the state’s most recent COVID-19 tracking map.

The Journal Gazette reports that LaGrange, Steuben, DeKalb, Noble, Wabash, and Whitley meet the classification of a county with high spread. Allen County meets the requirement to fall into the red category with new cases, but misses the mark because of a positivity rate of only 12.85%, short of the required 15%.

Red is the most serious category of virus spread on the state’s map. Due to the holiday, the state will not release the next set of updated numbers until Monday.

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The RED!!! OMG, What does Dr Fauci Say?? November 29, 2021 at 5:19 pm

Anyone know where I can buy those 2,000-count crates of facemasks? I’m looking to buy at least 10 crates so I can make it 6 months without needing to buy more, just in case the supply chain issue from China keeps getting worse.

Dr Fauci said the more masks the better….I was wearing 30 of them till I passed out one day, Now I limit myself to 10 at a time. It still is a pain in the butt to take them off at restaurants to eat my food, but the added protection is worth it. I know the masks are starting to become a littering problem like along roads, fence lines and parking lots, but its fine because the environment needs to be put on hold till Biden beats Covid like he said he would do 11 months ago.

I’m a vaccinated 25 year old and I’ve only had covid twice since being fully vaccinated. I was off work from Starbucks for 2 weeks each time. The 1st time I lost my smell/taste and the 2nd time I didn’t know I had it till I tested positive. My parents require me to get weekly tests because you know…their house their rules. It’s tough being a part-time college student especially when my parents think they can decide what I do just because they pay for everything….Once I finish my sociology degree I can finally get my own place!!

Rachel November 29, 2021 at 5:20 pm

Seriously guys…this picture…I just can’t do this anymore. HAHAHA!!
Red doesn’t mean dead.
This is a seasonal cold.
I’m sure if we tracked every seasonal cold and flu this way it would look much the same.
Just more excuses for boosters and lockdowns.

Slacker06 November 30, 2021 at 9:18 am

OK, Still 99.5% recovery rate. Darth Fauci, Let the Farce be With You, still refuses to admit there is such a thing as natural immunity gained from recovery. Studies are now showing immunity by recovery is much more robust with an infinitesimal number of second infections reported. Not so much with the “vaccine” that isn’t a real vaccine. Have you gotten all the stuff you were vaccinated against as a kid??? Didn’t think so. Darth Fauci must have a financial interest in the fake vaccines that are really only a shot and in masks. Perhaps he is an investor in his CHICOM pal’s businesses making masks. There is no other logical conclusion because he lies every time his pie hole opens or his wallet opens for more grifted cash. Perhaps he too is holding CHICOM cash it for the “Big Guy.”

It was reported yesterday that the CDC and many states are conflating those who test positive for the dreaded Covid and those who test positive for antibodies. You could have antibodies from having the dreaded Covid from a year ago and still get counted as you were a year ago when you were sick. Counted twice or more. What a way to run a panicdemic.

The South African doctor who discovered the Omicron oops Xi strain says the symptoms are unusual, meaning different from regular Covid-panic, and milder. The way this panic is going we all might as well get a permanent IV drip of the Fauci vaccine. It seems that is what Dopey King Xo the Idiot of Brandon wants for us. I will not live my life in fear. Holy Scripture says we are “made in the very likeness and image of God” and that we are “fearfully and wonderfully made.” I have tested positive for antibodies because I already had the dreaded Covid. We all have an appointment with death. The big question or concern is where we end up after death. I do not act recklessly. I take reasonable precautions. But I will not be cowed into permanent fear because some unelected government bureaucrat medical stooge colors my county red in an effort to make me bow to their unreasonable will. I am not a murderer because I don;’t get the unneeded Fauci shot or wear a Fauci mask or because my county is colored red on a map.

“Now you SOB’s, you know what I think”–General George S. Patton.

Nancy Lee McKinley Kerr December 2, 2021 at 3:00 pm

As a retired RN out of 43 years of practice and clinical teaching, I thoroughly agree with Dr. FAUCI on the need to wear masks and to vaccinate as recommended. It may not be perfect, but it is most reasonable and prudent to protect ourselves and others by adhering to this advice. This is a very deadly virus that can wipe out many vulnerable people, but the vaccine gives us a better chance to survive. Have compassion for others and please get vaccinated plus the boosters. It may save You!


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