APCoronavirusIndiana News

Indiana’s COVID-19 surge continued over Thanksgiving weekend

(Source: https://goo.gl/P4L2fO License: https://goo.gl/sZ7V7x)

INDIANAPOLIS (AP): The number of COVID-19 patients in Indiana hospitals continued its sharp spike over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend even as state political leaders debated steps toward ending the statewide public health emergency from the pandemic.

Indiana hospitals had about 2,000 COVID-19 patients admitted as of Sunday, an increase of 170, or 9%, from Tuesday, according to tracking by the state health department. Indiana has seen a 66% increase in such hospitalizations over the past three weeks after declines from a summer surge peak of nearly 2,700 patients in September.

Indiana and other Midwestern states had seen a recent surge of COVID-19 infections and hospitalizations even before identification of the omicron variant last week sparked new worldwide concerns.

Indiana’s tracking on Monday added 52 COVID-19 deaths to the state’s toll from when it was last updated Wednesday. That boosts the statewide death total to 17,438.

The Republican-dominated state Legislature had been scheduled to meet Monday for votes on a proposal that included administrative actions which Gov. Eric Holcomb had said would enable him to allow the state’s public health emergency that he first issued in March 2020 to expire Wednesday.

But those votes were called off by legislative leaders following objections from medical and business groups over provisions forcing broad exemptions from workplace vaccination requirements.

Health experts argued such actions would hurt attempts to improve Indiana’s lagging COVID-19 vaccination rate that the Centers for Disease Control ranks 11th lowest in the country at 50.5%.

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Rachel November 29, 2021 at 5:26 pm

Not sure if you guys know this but…the “vaccinations” don’t stop the spread of the virus because they don’t keep you from getting the virus…
Also, how many people hospitalized with COVID have already had the jab and a booster? Just curious.

Kayla November 30, 2021 at 1:44 pm

Vaccines are supposed to keep you out of the hospital and most of the hospitalized are un vaccinated so I would say they do what they are supposed to do. Never were they promised as 100% effective but anyone with any brains is vaccinated. Facebook and FOX lie to you Rachel.

Biden's conscience November 30, 2021 at 5:19 pm

So… NOT Mainstream Media is Lying, but only FOX? Interesting you throw Facebook in as “Lying” … they sensor all medical discussions related to Covid and push everything the government asks for, LOL So I agree with you there.

“Vaccines” were sold to the public as being +/-90% effective with no side-effects, will not need a mask and you can go about your daily life after being fully vaccinated.

-Since all the above is true, Why do vaccines NOW only “keep you out of the hospital” as you claim?
-Why does the government still not acknowledge potential side-effects and/or the 17k deaths (VARS reporting) from taking the vaccine?
-Why did the CDC change the definition of “Fully Vaccinated”
-Why do media and the Government not allow other (proven) therapeutics to be used and/or discussed if prescribed?
-why did the government protect these vaccine manufacturers from Lawsuits?
-Why do they NOT MENTION NATURAL IMMUNITY which was admitted by Pfizer as being better than their vaccine?
-Why are the vaccinated still being hospitalized?
-If YOU personally are vaccinated or “protected”…why do you criticize everyone that is not?

I can answer the last question for you…its a trait of the Nazi-Left… to criticize anyone not behaving as you want.

...the working part of "Kayla's" brain December 2, 2021 at 1:36 pm

LOL yes moron….Nazi Left=Democrat Socials of America.

Try educating yourself before posting stupidity. Also noticed you didn’t (and couldn’t) answer any of those questions.

Say yes to Freedom November 29, 2021 at 7:55 pm

“Health experts argued such actions would hurt attempts to improve Indiana’s lagging COVID-19 vaccination rate “……proof that any and all non-elected officals should never have a hand in Public Policy making affecting the Rights of private citizens. The only thing they care about is the competition with other States.

“Lagging covid vaccination rate”…..I wonder what the vaccination rate would be if people had free choice, not being threatened of loosing their job, freedom of travel or public shamed for their personal health choice( effects only them).

Everyone needs to tell ALL Governments federal state and local to F× #-off when it comes to mandates and what they think is best for people as they have been WRONG FOR 2 YEARS


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