Indiana NewsLocal News

Senator Braun Releases Statement On Major Bank Bailouts

Indiana US Senator Mike Braun

FORT WAYNE, Ind. (WOWO):  Senator Mike Braun released on statement on Tuesday saying that protecting Hoosiers and Indiana’s community banks from bearing the costs of President Biden’s bailout for Silicon Valley Bank should be a major focus.  Braun stated that community banks and their customers in Indiana should not be on the hook for bailing out Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank for their risky financial decisions.

Braun also feels that President Biden created the current crisis with a spending agenda that led to high inflation, and now wants Hoosiers to pay for the bailout through increased fees at their banks. Braun ended his statement by saying that he is exploring legislative actions to make sure the costs of this bailout don’t get passed onto regular Americans.

Here is the full statement:

“Community banks and their customers in Indiana should not be on the hook for bailing out Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank for their risky financial decisions. President Biden created this chaos with his inflation bomb spending agenda, and now he wants Hoosiers to pay for his coastal elite bailout through increased fees at their banks. I’m exploring legislative actions to make sure the costs of this bailout don’t get passed onto regular Americans.” – Senator Mike Braun

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1 comment

Slacker06 March 16, 2023 at 8:22 am

No one should be on the hook for the bank failures except the banksters that were more worried about pronouns or sexual practices than honorable banking practices. “Investors” in the bank who were not insured should take the loss and move on. Every thing in life has risk. They did not pay attention to the bank and its skeevy practices and policies. A risk less society means all will be serfs. Ironically Dopey Joe breaks all the established rules to bail out these banks. We no have government banking and a dictator at the top named Joe Biden. BTW, Silicon Valley Bank was a wokestani bank that donated to all democrats. They followed ESG and DEI into the dustbin of history.

It is a problem in our society that no one is held accountable. Buy a gun and lie on your BATFE form then go shoot up a supermarket and who is held accountable. The gun maker who is two or three steps away from the killer. Politicians, Educrats, and Meducrats make very dangerous decisions but are not held to account for the gross damage they do to us and our kids. There is a long list of people to hold accountable. Crime runs rampant in a handful of zip codes. Yet Dopey Joe wants to hold all the law abiding gun owners for that crime as the prosecutors, judges, and politicians let criminals go nearly Scot free and unaccountable. The breakdown of our society is happening from within and from people we elected to office. STOP IT!


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