Indiana News

Senator Braun Sees Bipartisan VA Spina Bifida Bill Advance Through U.S. House

Photo supplied/Ian Randall

WASHINGTON, D.C. (WOWO):  A bill has passed in the U.S. House which aims to strengthen the VA Spina Bifida Program.  The program aims to benefit the children of Vietnam veterans who were exposed to Agent Orange. The bill passed the through the U.S. House of Representatives with a unanimous vote on Tuesday.

The bipartisan bill was introduced led by Republican Senator from Indiana, Mike Braun and Republican Senator from Massachusetts, Maggie Hassan.  Original cosponsors of the bill include:  Senator Marco Rubio, Senator Cory Booker, Senator John Cornyn, Senator Raphael Warnock, Senator Mazie Hirono, Senator Todd Young, and Senator Rick Scott.

Under this bill, the VA will proactively reach out to these beneficiaries to make sure they are getting the benefits they are eligible for. Those benefits will also now last for the life of the child, and are not affected by the death of their parent.

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