Election Blog

Buttigieg rails against Trump, wants ‘better politics’ at DNC

CHICAGO (NETWORK INDIANA) — Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg was among the speakers who rallied Democrats during the third night of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago.

The night was capped off by Minnesota Governor Tim Walz accepting the Democratic nomination for vice president.

Buttigieg’s speech, one of the penultimate speeches ahead of Walz, centered around what he called “the right kind of politics.” Those politics, he believes, are Democratic policies as he accused Republicans was pushing an “agenda of darkness.”

“Leaders matter. Leaders matter, because of what they bring out in each of us: the good or the bad,” the former South Bend, Indiana mayor said. “Right now the other side is appealing to what is smallest within you.”

Buttigieg railed against Donald Trump, as most Democrats who have spoken have so far.

“Donald Trump rants about law and order as if he wasn’t a convicted felon running against a prosecutor,” he said. “As if we were going to forget that crime was higher on his watch.”

The transportation secretary’s appeal to voters was to those among working class and veteran families. Buttigieg said that “better politics” being pushed by Democrats are politics that “feel better to be a part of.” He insisted he did not arrive at this view by way of idealism.

Buttigieg said he arrived at this view by experience as a gay man who survived in the military and eventually as mayor of South Bend, a career that he called “unlikely.” he called the makeup of his kitchen table, that being his husband and his two kids, “impossible” as much as 25 years ago. He said Democratic policies helped make his career and his family a reality.

This talking point led Buttigieg to appeal to the civility of the nation.

“(Republicans) are telling you that anyone different from you is a threat,” he said. “They are telling you that your neighbor, or nephew, or daughter, who disagrees with you politically is the enemy.”

Buttigieg closed by claiming that if Americans vote for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz in November, they would be choosing “better politics.”

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1 comment

Slacker06 August 22, 2024 at 9:33 am

This guy is a confused clown. Why would anyone listen to him. He is a fraud. While mayor of South Bend he ran to the Mideast to avoid a controversy over recorded phone calls at the SBPD.. He virtue signaled while serving in DC by traveling from his abode to just blocks from his office in a limo then got out and rode his bicycle to rest of the way for a photo op. Because, well…..he was saving the planet. His parents are virtual communists. A two-bit phony and a giant fraud. He has missed a lot of work by claiming maternity leave even though he is a male and cannot bear a child. He and his boy toy adopted a child. I pity that child for its future.


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