Indiana News

Indy Chamber Releases Statement to the Signage of RFRA

INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (WOWO): Officials with the Indy Chamber released the following statement in reaction to Governor Mike Pence signing the Religious Freedom Restoration Act into law Thursday afternoon:

“The Indy Chamber remains opposed to this divisive and unnecessary law. In our February testimony in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee, we warned of the impending negative economic impact this legislation would have on our ability to attract and retain jobs, talent, and investment, noting the bill will encourage current and potential residents, and visitors to take their business elsewhere. Within moments of this legislation being signed, this warning became a stark reality.”

“The Indy Chamber pledges to work with our partners across the state to strengthen non-discrimination policies at the state and local level. This is clearly not how we want to be perceived and is not reflective of how we do business in Indianapolis.”

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