APIndiana News

Anti-meth bills discussed among Indiana lawmakers

(Source: http://bit.ly/1VlQpOF License: bit.ly/1UUW1iN )

INDIANAPOLIS (AP): A House committee considering ways to fight Indiana’s methamphetamine problem has heard truncated testimony about proposals to limit the availability of a key ingredient used in cold medicines.

Law enforcement leaders, pharmaceutical representatives and medical professionals had about a minute or less before the House Public Health Committee to discuss proposals aimed at curbing meth manufacturing in Indiana. Members of the panel also were not allowed to ask questions due to the time constraints.

The three proposals aim to foil meth cooks by limiting the amount of pseudoephedrine that one person can buy, allowing pharmacists to require a prescription for medicines containing pseudoephedrine, and banning people with drug felonies from buying such medicine.

The committee is set to vote on the three measures Wednesday.

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