APIndiana News

Indiana governor to announce his state Supreme Court pick

INDIANAPOLIS (AP): Indiana Gov. Mike Pence is ready to announce who he’s chosen to fill a vacancy on the state Supreme Court.

The governor’s office says Pence will announce his first appointment to the state’s highest court at 1 p.m. Eastern Time on Monday at the Statehouse.

The state’s Judicial Nominating Commission in March selected St. Joseph Superior Court Judge Steven Hostetler, Boone Superior Court Judge Matthew C. Kincaid and Indianapolis attorney Geoffrey G. Slaughter as finalists for the court.

Pence’s appointment will fill a vacancy on the five-member court left by the retirement of former Justice Brent Dickson. Dickson retired April 29 before reaching the mandatory retirement age of 75.

Twenty-nine people applied for a chance to replace Dickson. The commission chose 15 semifinalists before choosing the three finalists.

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