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6 scary movies the WOWO staff loves on Friday the 13th

(Source: https://goo.gl/JDNKoW License: https://goo.gl/sZ7V7x)

FORT WAYNE, Ind. (WOWO): Today, May 13, is the only Friday the 13th this year. It’s a day for superstitions and scary stories.

Whether you think this day is unlucky or just another day, it’s fun to celebrate with a scary movie.

We made a list of some of WOWO staff’s favorite movies. So kick back, realax and scream.

  1. The Exorcist (1973) 

Both Charly Butcher and Rob Winters said “The Exorcist” is their favorite scary movie. Charly said he liked the horror film because “it’s the scariest movie ever made.” Rob said he doesn’t like scary movies, but The Exorcist is pretty scary.

“When a teenage girl is possessed by a mysterious entity, her mother seeks the help of two priests to save her daughter.” – IMBD

2. The Cabin in the Woods

Darrin Wright’s favorite horror movie is “The Cabin in the Woods.” He likes it because “it’s a scary movie with a unique twist.”

“Five friends go for a break at a remote cabin in the woods, where they get more than they bargained for. Together, they must discover the truth behind the cabin in the woods.” – IMBD

3. Disturbia

Kylie Haven’s go to scary movie is “Disturbia” because it’s scary and Shia LaBeof is in it, so to her it’s even scarier.

“A teen living under house arrest becomes convinced his neighbor is a serial killer.” -IMDB

4. Bram Stoker’s Dracula 

Michael McIntyre said “vampire fiction is good if it’s done well,” and that’s why his favorite horror film is Bram Stoker’s Dracula.

“The vampire comes to England to seduce a visitor’s fiancée and inflict havoc in the foreign land.” -IMDB

5. Dawn of the Dead (2004)

Tom Franklin’s favorite horror movie is the “Dawn of the Dead.” He doesn’t like many horror movies and said “it’s one of the only horror movies I enjoy.”

“A nurse, a policeman, a young married couple, a salesman, and other survivors of a worldwide plague that is producing aggressive, flesh-eating zombies, take refuge in a mega Midwestern shopping mall.”- IMDB

6. The Shining

This 1980s movie is Ryan Wrecker’s favorite scary movie.

“A family heads to an isolated hotel for the winter where an evil and spiritual presence influences the father into violence, while his psychic son sees horrific forebodings from the past and of the future.” -IMDB


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