Local News

A Hero Laid To Rest

Washington Township Fire fighter Mark Haudenschild II was laid to rest on Saturday.  Haudenschild was given full honors and at a traditional fire fighters funeral.  There were about a thousand people who attended his service.  A mile long procession of fire trucks driven by fire crews from around the region and the country were in attendance.  The procession from the church to the cemetery in Churubusko took an hour to traverse.  The final bell was rang for Haudenschild and and the American flag and state flag were presented to his wife.  The day was picture perfect brilliant sunshine and blue skies and not a sound could be heard then suddenly the crackle of a fireman’s radio and an Allen county dispatcher called out his name in an attempt to contact him, and then silence.  At about this time a single bird flew over head chirping, as these men and women hardened by day to day tragedy’s that you an I can’t imagine were moved to tears.  A bagpiper suddenly begins to play amazing grace and he walks away off into the distance.   

May the road rise up to meet you, May the wind be ever at your back May the sun shine warm upon your face And the rain fall softly on your fields And until we meet again, May God hold  you in the palm of his hand

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