Indiana News

Access counselor: South Bend didn’t violate laws…

  SOUTH BEND, Ind. (AP) _ The Indiana Public Access Counselor has told a South Bend city council member in an advisory opinion that Mayor Pete Buttigieg  (BOO’-tah-juhj) did not violate access laws.
  Valerie Schey filed a complaint last month accusing Buttigieg of violating the Access to Public Records Act by not responding to her requests in a timely manner. She cited five specific incidents dating back to January. The opinion Friday by Public Access Counselor Joseph Hoage sided with Buttigieg’s assertion that she did not follow protocol by using provided forms to request information.
  He also agreed with the administration’s contention that two requests were inquiries rather than requests for actual records. He ruled that for another request the city provided records in a reasonable period of time.

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