CoronavirusFt. Wayne MarketLocal News

Allen County COVID cases nearly at 50,000


FORT WAYNE, Ind. (WOWO): Healthcare officials in Allen County have seen almost 50,000 cases of COVID-19 since the pandemic began.

According to the Allen County Health Department, another 306 Allen County residents tested positive for COVID-19 yesterday, with 120 confirmed PCR cases and 186 antigen cases, bringing the total to 49,918 cases and 717 deaths as of 9am Friday.

Allen County’s 7-day positivity rate is at 11.7%, according to the State Department of Health. 72% of cases statewide are in those under the age of 50.

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Slacker06 September 3, 2021 at 10:07 am


You all talk about cases but the vast majority of them are merely positive test with out many symptoms or a hospitalization. Tell the truth. How many of those “cases” are patients in the hospital??? You transmogrify cases into sickness. if the general rule holds true 99.5+% of those cases will n=opt get sick or will recover.

Shame on WOWO for only telling half the truth and simple repeating a statistic without any critical analysis. Who do you work for listeners or the health Nazis and politicians??? No matter your personal position on the Covid fiasco as a pretend news organization you owe it to listeners to find the whole truth and report it.

Rachel September 7, 2021 at 7:37 am

I don’t think critical analysis is what WOWO does. Unfortunately, I don’t think that is what any media does anymore. They get way more clicks by using fear and panic.
This is how you persuade people to do what you want…notice which is dead last.

1. Emotion
2. Propaganda
3. Facts and data

C September 3, 2021 at 12:58 pm

Agreed! The headline is VERY misleading.

DL September 3, 2021 at 4:30 pm

Regardless of how it’s worded, the terminology used, etc. people are still testing positive whether they are admitted to the hospital or not if they are not in the hospital or are testing positive with no symptoms, bottom line, they are still contagious! Regardless of what anyone’s argument is, this pandemic is not going away anytime soon when people are bucking the system and believing in only themselves and not listening to government officials, health experts or referenced data. Covid and it’s repercussions are real.

Rachel September 7, 2021 at 7:30 am

Testing positive? You are aware that the PCR test can’t even differentiate between the Flu and Covid. It shouldn’t be used to diagnose ANY sickness or disease, per the creator of the test. The PCR test can be used to show whatever they want it to show by turning cycles up or down.
I’m not sure how you could put any faith in government or health officials at this point and if you actually go and look at the data it often paints a much different picture than the MEDIA. Covid is real, sure. So is the flu. That happens every year and it kills people. What about HIV, TB, STD’s and countless other diseases? Let’s just close the world down because people have a 98% chance of surviving COVID.

LOS September 5, 2021 at 9:21 am

Yea it’s getting about time to leave Indiana. Governor Holocomb has given his authority to these medical tyrants. To make decisions that he should be making. Another coward posing as a conservative, another Mike Pence

Rocky September 7, 2021 at 10:11 am

Allen County Population = 380,000.
49% “vaccinated” = 186,200
“cases” (better than vaccine) = 50,000
186200+50000 = 236,200 people =62%

What’s the heard immunity number… didn’t the “experts” say 70% last year?

Why aren’t leadership partnered with the media to push a positive narrative like Heard Immunity?… instead of…..OH MY GOD… WE JUST HIT 50,000 CASES… ALLEN COUNTY IS RED ON THIS MAP… MASK YOUR CHILD… WE ARE ALL GONNA DIE!!!

There has never been any benchmarks set, no light at the end of the tunnel…NO END IN SIGHT…That is why numbers are meaningless. These days, All we see is leadership taking away our Rights, extending power to unelected morons, pushing “Science”, Schools becoming indoctrination centers, and collecting Federal Dollars.

Due to this Government power grab… they are worse than this Flu


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