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Ball State students to attend, cover 2018 Olympic Winter Games

(Source: https://goo.gl/szLrAC License: https://goo.gl/OOAQfn)

MUNCIE, Ind. (WOWO): A number of area journalism students will be traveling to South Korea next month to be part of an international media contingent at the 2018 Olympic Winter Games.

Led by Ball State journalism professor Ryan Sparrow, five students from the University’s student-run news agency will provide daily coverage of the games from February 9th through the 25th. The agency is also partnering with news organizations in Indianapolis, Chicago, and Philadelphia.

The journalism program made its Olympic debut at the London 2012 Olympics. Students produced stories, news graphics, photos, and videos that appeared in major news outlets. Ball State students also have been at the Winter Olympics in Russia and the summer games in Brazil.

Because of Ball State’s experience with previous Olympic contests, TeamUSA granted full media credentials, Sparrow said. Students from Northwestern University also will receive credentials. During past games, BSU at the Games was limited to providing “behind the scenes” stories and not actual competitions.

“Working inside the media center alongside professional journalists from around the world is an incredible opportunity for our students, which was not possible during previous games,” he said. “The London, Sochi, and Rio Olympics taught us a lot, created a solid following on social media, and opened a lot of doors that are still available for us in Korea.”

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