Local News

Be Happy with “Happiness Happens” Month

FORT WAYNE, Ind. (WOWO) _ Looking at the brighter side is not always easy when things get you down, but during the month of August, Hoosiers are being challenged to find ways to incorporate more happiness into their lives. 

August is Happiness Happens Month, established by the “Secret Society of Happy People.” Founder Pamela Gail Johnson suggests trying to start and end the day on a positive note:

“Even if that means not looking online at a Twitter feed or watching the news before going to bed, go watch a sitcom or sit and meditate, or read a funny book, or talk to someone who makes you laugh. Try to do something so you do find that little moment of happiness.”

The society has a Happiness Month Challenge, which encourages people to do something happy each day, such as wearing a favorite shirt, buying someone a cup of coffee or planning a mini vacation. 

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