Dozens of biodiesel stakeholders from across the country headed to Capitol Hill Tuesday to support the Renewable Fuel Standard and voice strong disappointment with the recent proposal for next year’s renewable fuels volumes. National Biodiesel Board Vice President of Federal Affairs Anne Steckel said more than 100 biodiesel supporters representing more than two dozen states were making sure their members of Congress understand that the Environmental Protection Agency’s proposal will eliminate jobs and threaten production in their states. Ben Wootton – a Pennsylvania biodiesel producer – said his plant would likely close under the proposal announced last week. He said the proposed freeze on biomass-based diesel would essentially cut their current market in half – forcing his plant to shut its doors. Wootton said it would be a major step back for the environment and the economy in their state. Steckel says biodiesel producers are frustrated and disappointed that the Administration – with no explanation – is essentially freezing a growing advanced biofuel industry for the next two years at production levels far below where they are today. She says biodiesel is an RFS success story – and this proposal turns its back on that success and on the producers who’ve made it happen.
Biodiesel production is on track to set a record of approximately 1.7-billion gallons this year. The EPA’s proposed rule for next year would set biodiesel volumes at 1.28-billion gallons – while shrinking the overall advanced requirement to 2.2-billion gallons. The proposal freezes that biodiesel reduction for two years. NBB adds that because excess biodiesel production in 2013 can be carried over for compliance into 2014 – the proposal could mean an effective market closer to one-billion gallons.
Biodiesel is the first and only commercial-scale fuel produced across the U.S. to meet the EPA’s definition as an Advanced Biofuel – meaning the EPA has determined it reduces greenhouse gas emissions by more than 50-percent when compared with petroleum diesel. Produced in nearly every state in the country – the industry has exceeded RFS requirements in every year of the program. The industry has produced more than one-billion gallons annually since 2011. It is supporting more than 62-thousand jobs nationwide.
Stakeholders Disappointed with EPA