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Busch named assistant majority floor leader

Photo Supplied / Justin Busch

FORT WAYNE, Ind. (WOWO): A Fort Wayne lawmaker has been named assistant majority floor leader in the Indiana Senate.

State Senator Justin Busch was given the appointment by Senate President Pro Tem Rod Bray.

The assistant majority floor leader is a formal leadership position, in which Busch will collaborate with majority floor leader State Senator Mark Messmer in assisting with Senate floor activity and ensuring the session runs properly.

“I’m very pleased to see Sen. Busch move into the role of assistant floor leader,” Messmer said. “He has proven himself a valuable colleague, and I look forward to working more closely with him.”

Busch calls it an honor and says he looks forward to what he says “will surely be a legislative session for the history books” when lawmakers get back to work in January.

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