Indiana News

Carbon Reduction Strategy Released By INDOT

(Photo Supplied/Ohio News Service)

INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (WOWO):  The Indiana Department of Transportation has opened a comment period to seek input from Hoosiers on its draft carbon reduction strategy. Officials with INDOT say the CRS supports efforts to reduce CO2 emissions from the transportation sector.

The strategy lays out Indiana’s proposed action plan for reducing on-road carbon emissions, while also aligning with federal requirements and guidelines stemming from the Infrastructure Investment Jobs Act, which was signed by President Biden in November 2021.

INDOT says there are three complementary pathways to reduce carbon dioxide in transportation, including reducing total fuel consumption of on-road vehicles, mitigate traffic congestion and shift towards “more fuel efficient modes,” including public transportation, walking and biking.

INDOT says it can support carbon efficient choices made by users of the transportation system by planning, designing, and building safe and convenient infrastructure and services and through its policies and programs.

The draft document is available for public review and comment through Monday, January 15, 2023.

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Dave December 19, 2022 at 1:00 pm

Plants breath CO2, and Exhale O2. Just plant more green things, and quite trying to make BS law to control, and tax the people.

Slacker06 December 20, 2022 at 9:12 am

These Commies won;t be happy until everyone, except them of course, are stuck at home living on the government’s teat. F you want to see where this is going read George Orwell’s dystopian novel “1984” and Any Rand’s “Atlas Shrugged.” OR you could just read a little history about how Stalin, Mao, or Hitler, among other lesser evil people, killed millions of their own people because of Ideology. In China they are still at it welding apartment doors shut with the people still inside to prevent their own bio-weapons from killing everyone. What’s the difference in dying from a virus or being welded inside a small apartment??? That is what the evil Bond villains at the World Economic Forum want for everyone but themselves.


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