Indiana News

Central Indiana County Dealing With Possible Cancer Cluster

GREENWOOD, Ind. (WOWO): Is a cancer cluster affecting kids in Johnson County? 

Parents say the cluster centers around Freedom Park in Greenwood. Susan Davidson says her 10-year-old son Zane was diagnosed with a form of leukemia a year ago. Davidson's son is in remission, but she says other cases keep coming up. 

Davidson and other parents are calling for an investigation in their county, scared that if something is not found, other kids or adults could be at continued risk. 

Another reported cancer cluster broke out in Henry County, where 26 cases of glioblastoma were diagnosed in 14 years. The health department said that there aren't enough cases to officially call it a “cluster,” but an investigation is still open. 

State health officials say there is an inquiry open right now in Johnson County, but it is in the initial stages.

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