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Fort Wayne Priest removed by Diocese over “boundary violations”

Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend

FORT WAYNE, Ind. (WOWO): A Fort Wayne Priest has been removed from public ministry by the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend over what officials are calling “serious boundary violations with an adult”.

Bishop Kevin Rhoades informed parishioners at St. Vincent De Paul by letter over the past weekend, that Father Eric Burgener has been removed from all public ministry due to receiving what the Diocese says are credible allegations against him. Burgener was also removed from a hospital chaplaincy.

The allegations from a young woman were received on December 6th of last year, and according to our Partners in News at ABC-21, that those allegations were “consistently serious and credible”.

This comes just days after Father David Huneck entered into a plea agreement with prosecutors in a case involving the reported sexual abuse of two women that led to his removal as well.


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1 comment

brettt January 4, 2022 at 12:17 pm

Whilst the Christian religion struggles in today’s society, this barrage of needless activity certainly doesn’t help matters.
I suppose, like any organisation, corruption can pop up from time to time. But this! ..this is inexcusable.

Time, and time again, this (and other) internationally spread religious governance/s have proven they cannot protect their followers ..from even themselves. Proven allegations have continued to surface, as the news reveals the hiding, condoning, and tolerating sexual defilement.
The governing body of this branch (and others) seem to be more like organised crime, than a pathway to eternal life.
They nearly operate like a “Holy” mafia, as corruption seems to be laced throughout the leaders, as they destroy the sanctity of their fold.

People want a church, a place where they can worship, a place they can feel safe, a place they can be forgiven, a place where they can be enlightened. ..What they don’t want is a scandalous hierarchy, of hypocritical evil, governing their needs.

While this article of news is dealing with one particular religious sect, my comment was meant to cover all religious organisations. I don’t want to leave anyone out of my all-inclucivity!

ALSO, Please read the link in this story, dealing with yet another predatory priest David Huneck. You’ll find this equally disturbing, as it is yet another indicator to just how deep the reformation deceit resides within the organisation’s “rank” ; all while the “file” of Christian soldiers are caught in the crossfire.


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