Ft. Wayne MarketLocal News

Fort Wayne Public Works seeks help “sprucing up” city

FORT WAYNE, Ind. (Press Release): Whether from willful dumping or from debris being blown into our streets and ditches during storms, litter is visible throughout the community. The annual Great American Cleanup community event is essential to keeping Fort Wayne beautiful.

Residents, families, churches, youth organizations, schools, businesses, and service organizations are invited to make a difference in their community and neighborhoods by participating in the annual Great American Cleanup — the nation’s most extensive community improvement program.

This year’s Great American Cleanup is on Saturday, September 19, 2020. Volunteers are asked to pre-register so that the City can accommodate them with event tee-shirts, gloves, and trash bags. All cleanup areas will be located outside and should allow for social distancing. In the few instances where social distancing is not possible, volunteers are required to wear their face coverings.

Individuals, families, and groups can register at this link or call 427-1345, no later than Monday, August 24, 2020.

Volunteer groups may pick an area they wish to clean or have the staff from the City’s Solid Waste Department assign them a location. The clean-up process will begin between 8 and 9 AM on September 19.

The Great American Cleanup is the country’s largest beautification and community improvement effort. Nationwide, there were more than three million volunteers last year. Fort Wayne’s cleanup efforts focus on neighborhoods, vacant lots, trails, streets and roads, and our rivers. Graffiti removal is included as well. The event provides an excellent opportunity for neighborhood associations, church groups, service organizations, youth groups, schools, and all residents to make a difference.

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