Indiana News

Holcomb heads to Qatar for job creation trip

(Supplied/Gov. Eric Holcomb)

INDIANAPOLIS (Network Indiana): Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb will be in Qatar this week.

He says one of his goals is to cultivate new business relationships in the Middle East to “advance innovation, investment, and job creation in Indiana.”

Holcomb left for Qatar with Indiana Secretary of Commerce Brad Chambers on Monday. They are both supposed to return to Indiana Friday, July 9.

“Secretary Chambers and I are energized and excited to build and further strengthen Indiana’s global connections through economic, educational, and cultural ties,” said Gov. Holcomb. “We look forward to building this relationship through discussions with a wide variety of government officials and industry leaders during our visit and expect this trip to further cultural connections and economic cooperation between our two states in innovative sectors across the board.”

Holcomb and Chambers are supposed to meet with government and global business leaders in Doha, Qatar’s capital, to promote Indiana as a top destination for “innovation, investment, and jobs, and to discuss opportunities to encourage future economic cooperation.”

The trip is being paid for through private donations to the Indiana Economic Development Foundation.

Holcomb says Indiana and Qatar share a strong trade relationship, with Indiana being the 12th largest exporter to Qatar in the U.S. He says Qatar has placed an “increased focus on several strategic priorities that align closely with Indiana, including infrastructure, education, and sports.”

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1 comment

Holcomb heads to Qatar for job creation trip – July 6, 2021 at 2:07 am

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