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Hoosier utilities looking to recoup lost revenue

FORT WAYNE, Ind. (WOWO/Inside INdiana Business): Fort Wayne-based Indiana Michigan Power is among a group of utilities that are looking to charge customers more to make up for their losses due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Ten utilities are asking the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission for permission to use the pandemic as a reason to raise rates in the near future, saying the crisis and related government orders “have resulted in significantly reduced load and revenues for some utilities.”

They didn’t disclose how much money they expect to lose from the pandemic, which has included utilities suspending disconnections over unpaid bills, nor did they state how much they would all seek to raise customer rates.

NIPSCO was also among the petition’s signees; read more, including the full petition, here.

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Rocky May 12, 2020 at 8:45 am

Wait a minute…So the general demand goes down, utilities want to jack the Price up? Nice way to Kick people while they are down. If this is how the utility companies are going to treat customers, every time my power goes out, I am going to sue the utility company for my loss of revenue for my business, Even if the reason is out of their control. Following this model, everyone needs to jack up their prices (restaurants, barber shops, etc…) to make up their losses. What a stupid idea as the country starts back.

S D May 12, 2020 at 11:47 am

Take a look at the profits they make and the amount of money these bloodsuckers are sitting on. If the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission allows these companies to raise rates, it can only mean they are in the pocket of and getting kickbacks from the utility companies. Every Hoosier should be outraged!

Dakota May 12, 2020 at 1:01 pm

This should be illegal. Inflating the cost of things because of lack of profits is 100% a scam. Capitalism at it’s finest.

Teri May 12, 2020 at 10:29 pm

Wait a minute APE. Oh I mean AEP has been RAPEing us for years now they want to do it again! Didn’t the city of Fort Wayne get a kick back from the electric and gas a few years ago? Well the city made all the parks and how often do we use them? It only helps the city not to flood but it doesn’t help me I’m not homeless yet that’s who is injoying the parks Not me! I could go on but there is not enough time or space here!


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