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Indiana Attorney General Calling To Limit Power Of Some Federal Agencies

(Photo Supplied/Rokita for Senate)

INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (WOWO):  Attorney General Todd Rokita issued a statement Friday saying the U.S. Supreme Court should reverse a 39-year-old precedent that gives outsized power to federal agencies in interpreting laws after the Supreme Court agreed to hear a case that could set the stage for overturning or limiting the 1984 decision that gave such unwarranted deference to federal agencies.

“At the federal level, the framers of the Constitution intended Congress to have sole authority to enact laws,” Attorney General Rokita said. “And they intended the courts to interpret those laws to settle any disputes over meaning. Now is the time to curb the excessive power currently given to executive-level agencies to carry out these vital functions.”

The case now before the court is Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo – which concerns whether the U.S. agency overseeing commercial fishing exceeded its congressionally granted authority when it commanded fisheries to cover costs of government observers aboard their watercraft.

“Hoosiers’ liberties are threatened when we turn over lawmaking functions to Washington bureaucrats,” Attorney General Rokita said. “When we rely on the administrative state to govern us, we lose the checks and balances inherent in the system created by America’s founders.”

Along with 17 other states, Attorney General Rokita in December asked the Supreme Court to review the case it now has accepted. That amicus brief is attached.

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RECALL ISSUED: Mild Chunky, Medium Chunky



Slacker06 May 8, 2023 at 8:28 am

We are in this situation because people like Toad Young have abandoned their responsibilities. Every time they pass a bill that delegates authority from The People to unelected bureaucrats we have tyranny. Article I, Section 8, lists the 18 enumerated powers that Congress can wield. Those responsibilities or powers cannot be delegated to anyone in the Executive Branch. This allows these unelected stooges to make up the law as they go along. This is why, for example, the ATF can change rules well outside the actual verbiage in the laws they are to enforce. This creates CHAOS!!!!! And never lowers crime rates. The farther away we get from our founding the wiser our founders are. Todd Rokita is probably the only Indiana State official that gets it.

Bobbie Turner May 10, 2023 at 12:28 am

i need help me CPS has kidnapping my grandkids,please help me


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