Indiana News

Indiana lawmaker wants more than Narcan to fight heroin

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INDIANAPOLIS (WOWO): Narcan has been an effective tool for officers in places like Fort Wayne and Warsaw to save people from a heroin overdose, but a state lawmaker wants to take the fight against heroin one step further.

You might’ve heard of times lately where police used Narcan to the life of a person with a heroin overdose. It hasn’t been too long since police got that training and state Representative Cindy Kirchofer says that was a good first step, but getting people off drugs is a priority at the state house.

She says lawmakers are discussing a bill that would address drug addiction as a mental health issue and would look for Medicaid and other sources to help pay for that mental health care. Kirkhofer says drug addiction is no longer an urban and inner city issue, but stretches into all communities and income levels and that government’s role is to give people resources to help battle the addiction.

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