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Indiana Psychologists Offer Tips To Fight Back To School Blues

INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (WOWO): With the start of the upcoming school year, many parents are forced to deal with rising back-to-school supplies, clothes and possibly tuition.

Some families may be enrolling their children in a new school, changing school districts, facing a more rigorous academic year or dealing with difficult social situations. Dr. Jenny Tarbox, psychologist at Bloom Psychology Services says to teach your child basic coping strategies to help reduce first-day-of-school jitters.

For parents, the Indiana Psychological Association recommends a few tips to help both parents and kinds prepare:

* Practice the first day of school routine: Getting into a sleep routine before the first week of school will aide in easing the shock of waking up early. Organizing things at home – backpack, binder, lunchbox or cafeteria money – will help make the first morning go smoothly. Having healthy, yet kid-friendly lunches will help keep them energized throughout the day. Also, walking through the building and visiting your child’s locker and classroom will help ease anxiety of the unknown.

* Talk to your child: Asking children about their fears or worries about going back to school will help them share their burden. Inquire as to what they liked about their previous school or grade and see how those positives can be incorporated into their new experience.

* Empathize with your children: Change can be difficult, but also exciting. Let your children know that you are aware of what they’re going through and that you will be there to help them in the process. Nerves are normal, but highlight that not everything that is different is necessarily bad. It is important to encourage children to face their fears instead of falling in to the trap of encouraging avoidance.

* Get involved and ask for help: Knowledge of the school and the community will better equip parents to understand their child’s surroundings and the transition he or she is undergoing. Meeting members of the community and school will foster support for both parent and child. If parents feel the stress of the school year is too much to handle, seeking expert advice from a licensed psychologist, can help them better manage and cope.

“Sit down with your child to discuss successes from last year and brainstorm ways to make the coming year even better,” said Dr. Sarah Honaker, psychologist at Indiana University Health.

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