WASHINGTON, D.C. (Network Indiana): The military would be funded with $750 billion, and Indiana would benefit by keeping military and defense contract jobs if the National Defense Authorization Act is signed by the president. It passed the Senate 86-8, Thursday, with a yes vote from Sen. Todd Young.
Republican Mike Braun outlined the reasons he would not be voting for the bill, which had overwhelming bipartisan support, earlier this week. His reasoning is that the federal government should be making across the board cuts, and that military spending should not be excluded.
Young said he voted yes to fund a pay increase for troops.
“It gives our troops and their families the largest pay increase they’ve enjoyed in nearly a decade,” said Young in a video released soon after the bill’s passage.
“It reassures our partners and allies that America is not only gonna be present, but has the world’s greatest capabilities to keep America safe and secure.”
The bill still must be reconciled with a House version before the president can sign it. Some lawmakers who objected originally did so because of an amendment that would ban Pres. Trump from going to war without Congressional approval.
That has now been made a separate matter, expected up for a vote today.