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Indiana students join national anti-gun violence walkout

INDIANAPOLIS (WOWO/AP) _ Students at schools across Indiana participated in a national walkout to protest gun violence.

RELATED: Schools, students brace for “Walkout Wednesday”

Wednesday’s walkouts came after a gunman killed 17 students last month at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. Many students were stepping outside for 17 minutes, one minute for each person fatally shot at the Florida school.

At Snider High School, a couple dozen students walked outside and stood together on the front plaza, under the supervision of staff.

In Huntington, a group of students walked outside Huntington North High School and gathered together in a supervised area.

Officials at Southwest Allen County Schools and Northwest Allen County Schools warned students if they walked out, they would be marked truant. However, Northwest Allen County Schools will be giving students the opportunity to talk about school violence in their classrooms and they will be directed how to contact legislators, according to our partners in news at ABC 21.

Indianapolis North Central High School senior Drew Holl tells The Indianapolis Star that “change just needs to come” and people shouldn’t be scared to go to school.

At Herron High School in Indianapolis, students held signs and chanted “not one more” and “save education now.”

The Tribune-Star reports more than 100 students at Terre Haute North Vigo High School participated in the national walkout.

In Goshen, students formed a heart on the football field.


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1 comment

Andrew March 14, 2018 at 3:40 pm

Too bad we can’t concentrate on real problems and solutions instead of feeling good about ourselves for ” raising awareness”… What a total joke. Let’s appeal to emotional decision making. Reasoning is too hard. We have raised a nation of wusses and our leaders are no better. Sad.


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