Indiana News

Indiana Wildlife Officials Continue To Monitor Bear in Michigan

SOUTH BEND, Ind. (WOWO): It appears that the bear, seen wandering around northern Indiana this summer, has found his way back to Michigan. 

Bud Veverka with the Indiana DNR says they haven't had a report of the bear in Indiana since early August, and since then there have been reports of damage consistence with his habits in the New Buffalo area in Michigan. Veverka says that even though the bear is out of state they will continue to monitor his whereabouts, and officials in Michigan will alert Indiana wildlife officials if anything happens. 

It was definitely a whirlwind summer for the Bear, the first in Indiana since the 1870's. His trip started near South Bend and went as far west as Michigan City before the little scamp started to cause problems and efforts began to trap him. The bear was never actually trapped, and nobody was harmed by his antics. At one point a homeowner reported the bear was trying to get into his home, probably in search for food. 

Veverka says the bears presence in Indiana has been a learning experience for everyone and from here his department will take bear presence more seriously with an increase in training for themselves and even local law enforcement. Veverka says that efforts to educate will also include the public. 

Part of the problem with this bear was that it was getting food from people’s homes were trash was left out and bird feeders were constantly filled. In other states there is some public safety efforts aimed at education the general public about bears, which Veverka expects will be utilized here. Veverka has been the go to “bear guy” since the story first broke, and for him he says it has re-ignited his passion for Bears and see's this summer as a preview of more bear activity to come.

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