Indiana News

ISP Superintendent Delivers Stunning Remarks on HB1077

Photo Supplied / Indiana Statehouse

INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (WOWO):  One of the state’s highest ranking law enforcement members is blasting a contentious gun bill in the Hoosier state.  Indiana State Police Superintendent Doug Carter on Wednesday delivered stunning remarks in regards to Republicans pushing to eliminate the license to carry handguns. According to the Journal Gazette, Carter testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee, which heard more than eight hours of testimony and discussion on House Bill 1077.

The bill passed 11-0 just before 10:30 p.m. but only after a significant amendment that maintains the current license system while adding an automatic provisional license for pending applications. Most Republicans supported it only to keep the bill alive. It now goes before the full Senate, where it can be changed again.

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Slacker06 February 24, 2022 at 9:26 am

Follow the money>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The coppers can’t stand the idea of losing funding from THE PEOPLE so they can exercise their God given rights. Carter is just one more stooge in a stooge administration. Mr. Carter, Your Prime Duty as member of the government is to SECURE RIGHTS. Yes, you can look that up in the 2nd paragraph of the Declaration of Independence. I wonder, when the truckers come through Indy will Carter go full on tyrant on Commie them? I’m more interested in knowing how Carter plans to remove CRIMINALS from our streets and highways.

Kelly Smith February 24, 2022 at 7:28 pm

I do not want anyone 18 or over to be able to carry a gun without a back ground check and license. More shootings would happen due to people thinking it’s cool and have no idea about safety or respect for that gun and what they can do. I know its in the constitution but when it was written people who needed them to hunt for food and protection. This would also make a lot more work for law enforcement. I am not against guns at all I actually love shooting them and believe you should be allowed to own and carry but not without a back ground check and learning how to shoot and handle a weapon correctly so you don’t hurt or kill someone on accident.

Don't let the Lies sway you away from Constitutional carry February 25, 2022 at 4:44 pm

We are all being taught to be sheep, and when confronted by wolves, we must call the shepherd.

It’s Absurd to make a claim that the 2A is an outdated law and not relevant or as relevant today…that just shows your ignorance of the Constitution, especially the intent of the 2A. So please, Never comment on the Constitution unless you know what you’re talking about….

The idea that somehow, there will be more “shootings” directly related constitutional carry is absurd at best. Irresponsible/disrespectful/stupid people will always be irresponsible/disrespectful/stupid…. regardless of Law.

This will simplify Law enforcement procedures with the understanding that everyone could be armed…they should never be surprised by someone with a gun….criminals should never have the upper hand….

At the end of the day, No Citizen should ever need to ‘certify’ their Rights with the Government with a License….it should only be required for the Government to ‘certify’ the removal of citizens’ Rights through Due Process.

Slacker06 February 28, 2022 at 9:30 am

Kelly apparently does not understand that ALL retail gun purchases requires a background check. Also, it is illegal in the US for anyone under the age of 21 to buy a handgun. How is the law you support stopping the thugs and criminals from gaining illegal access to guns and illegally them using on the streets of your town? No one including the ISP super has answered that question. If he tried, it would only show is incompetence in catching criminals. When the ISP or any LEO makes a traffic stop they have already run the license plate before exiting their cruiser. They know if the owned has an outstanding warrant or not or if the vehicle has been reported stolen. If he wants to rely on the Constitution to restrict guns then there needs to be an official amendment not a bunch of questionable laws that cannot be enforced in the first place. Look around. Look at all the reports of increasing violence. GUN CONTROL ISN’T WORKING. IN most of the very high crime blue cities with very strong gun control you will find the highest crime rate. Why is that do you think? Neither is electing Soros backed prosecutors who favor the criminal over the law-abiding who pay the freight in so many ways. They pay the taxes to support the justice system. Then they suffer the wounds and death when that system fails. Most Hoosiers are done with their rights being violated by those who swore an oath to protect and defend those rights.


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