FORT WAYNE, Ind. (WOWO): There’s $250,000 left in Regional Cities project funding from the Northeast Indiana Regional Development Authority. The only problem is there are nine projects competing for it.
The Authority found the money, left over from $42-million spent by the Regional Cities Initiative, in the form of interest, tax credits, and project savings, according to the Journal Gazette.
They have until March to spend it, and a number of projects are hoping for at least a piece, with four asking for all of it.
A decision could be made during the Authority’s meeting on February 11th. Read up on the project proposals below:
• CASS Housing, Fort Wayne, to build housing for adults with developmental/intellectual disabilities.
• Casting the Junior Achievement Vision, Phase II, Fort Wayne, to create an art trail for children.
• Community Learning Center, Kendallville, to complete the renovation of a building that houses various programs.
• Dupont Road Trail, Fort Wayne, to bridge a 0.3-mile gap in the trail.
• Enterprise Center, Phase II, Angola, to add co-working space for entrepreneurs and growing small businesses.
• Fit Grocery, Fort Wayne, a project that looks to build a small grocery with fresh foods in downtown Fort Wayne.
• Hanna Nuttman Park, Decatur, for six baseball/softball diamonds, two concession stands and two restroom facilities.
• Manchester University Athletic Stadium, North Manchester, to go toward completing a multipurpose athletic stadium.
• Northeast Indiana Predevelopment Loan Fund to help cover architectural, engineering and legal fees for developers.